Celebrating 60 Years


VERULAM Amateur Radio CLub

Our next meeting

Our February monthly meeting will be held on Monday the 17th at The Boot in Kimpton. This will include our Annual General Meeting (AGM) where we get to choose our Committee for the next Club year and review £subscriptions.

Plus the ‘officers’ of the club give a brief report and anyone can volunteer and raise Club topics, preferably by letting the Committee know first to avoid miscommunication etc.

Previous meetings

January meeting:

We had an excellent meeting where Matt G4IYT presented a talk on software antenna modelling. He showed how this is a cheap and powerful way of testing antenna designs without leaving the comfort of the shack, and is accessible to anyone with a computer.

He covered the basics of antenna modelling with MMANA-GAL, and showed us how to analyze common antenna types like dipoles, long wires, and verticals.

December meeting:

Was a fun quiz and social gathering with food.

November meeting:

We had a freewheeling ‘presentation’ of what has been going on at the cabin recently (a lot!).

The meeting started with the Satellite Group attempting to access the ISS using the new remote system at the Cabin. Unfortunately the tech was not playing ball, but we did manage to catch it on the next pass at the end of the meeting.

We also heard from Ambrozy (M7MLU) on the intricacies of satellite working and Alex (2E0KUD) gave a very good insight into the world of contesting.

Peter (G4HSO) gave an account regarding our position as tenants at the cabin site and the plans we have for the upkeep and work to be done to improve on the cabin facility.


October meeting:
Our October meeting featured Alex 2E0KUD who gave us a very interesting talk on ‘An introduction to nanoVNA. He covered VSWR, impedance, smith chart, measuring coax and its other useful functions around the shack.

Thank you Alex for a very well thought out and practical demonstration of the nanoVNA.


Directions to our Cabin can be found on this website – contact peter@g0oik.co.uk for the password.

Guests are always welcome.




VARC has been in existence for over 60 years with monthly meetings and a number of regular activities including the ‘Antenna Shootout’ and the ‘Foxhunt’
We currently meet on the 3rd Monday of the month. We are currently looking for a new venue for our winter month meetings, but during the summer we have been meeting at our cabin site.


At VARC we are very lucky to have our cabin which is an excellent resource for our members, This site enables members to experiment with their own or the clubs equipment on an aerial system few can fit in their garden and make a more competitive entry in contests. It also houses a number of VARC supported repeaters.
Also see https://hertsrepeaters.com/

Club Championship

All hands on deck!

Starting Monday 3rd Feb’ we enter this years series of CC contests. As most of you are aware, this runs on 80m with three contests per month for the next six months alternating between SSB, CW and Data. On Monday we kick off with the SSB contest which runs from 20.00 for 1 1/2 hours.

The more of us that are the air and contributing your scores to our club VARC the better we will do, so if you can make it on air please do join us.

Looking forward to getting you in the log,

73  Peter  G0OIK.


Video curtesy of the RSGB

A warm WELCome

We are excited to extend a warm welcome to all amateur radio enthusiasts, regardless of experience or skill level. Whether you’re a seasoned operator or just starting in the hobby, we encourage you to attend our meetings and become part of our vibrant club!

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

Connect with fellow club members

Put faces to callsigns

Share your projects

Discuss the latest developments in amateur radio

Our MEmberships

Join us …….



minimum per year
Additional contributions are always welcome!

For those who are not able to attend club activities, meetings, etc.

Full Membership


minimum per year
Additional contributions are always welcome!

Whether licenced or not, enjoy the privileges of Full Membership, use of all facilities and loan of selected items of club equipment.

Full Membership is from the 1st of March to the end of February, pro-rata on application.

Family Membership


minimum per year
Additional contributions are always welcome!

For where there are multiple licenced amateurs (or SWLs) in your family.

Bring your family to our events, meetings and allows use by them of the Cabin.

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