GB3VR is our Analogue 70cm repeater which runs on the AllStar (59398) and EchoLink (5939) networks. It connects over the internet to give world wide coverage. If you are within range, using an FM tranceiver you can access the repeater which operates on the 430.8125 (TX) and 438.4125 (RX) with a 67 Hz CTCSS tone.

What is AllStar
AllStarLink is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol. AllStarLink runs on a dedicated computer (including the Rasperry Pi) that you host at your home, radio site or computer center. It is based on the open source Asterisk PBX running our app_rpt application. App_rpt makes Asterisk a powerful system capable of controlling one or more radios. It provides linking of these radio “nodes” to other systems of similar construction anywhere in the world via VoIP.
AllStarLink’s primary use is as a dedicated computer node wired to your repeater or radio. Connections from Echolink, other VoIP clients and telephone calls are supported.
GB3VR uses DTMF tones (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) to link the gateway to any other gateways or users. There are also a number of ‘rooms’ where multiple ham operators can congregate and talk.
DTMF tones can be generated by some radios or by the use of an app or external device.
DTMF commands that can be used with GB3VR
* 3 connect to Allstar node
* 33 connect to EchoLink node
*73 Disconnect
*70 what is connected?
*80 play ID
*81 play the time
Short Cuts
*51 disconnect and move to NWAG
*52 disconnect and move to FreeStar
*53 disconnect and move to GB3PI (Cambridge)
*54 disconnect and move to CQUK
*55 disconnect and move to HubNet
*56 disconnect and move to GB3PZ (Manchester)
*57 disconnect and move to GB3SJ (Cheshire)
*58 disconnect and move to MB7IHA EchoLink (Kimpton)
*59 disconnect and move to MB7IDT EchoLink (Dunton)
GB3VR is part of a network of repeater in Hertfordshire. You can visit the Herts Repeater group website HERE!