The call MB7IVR is running over three repeaters as they are all at the same site. They all deliver an Allstar Simplex Node with Parrot with dashboard.
These repeaters are on
1.) 50.540 MHz and 29.270 82.5 Hz CTCSS 61064 (The gateway is user swappable between 6M and 10M by using the buttons on the dashboard.)
2.) 70.3625 MHz 82.5 Hz CTCSS 61154
3.) 23cm (coming soon)

AllStar is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot-spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol. It is based on the open source Asterisk a powerful system capable of controlling one or more radios. It provides linking of these radio “nodes” to other systems of similar construction anywhere in the world via VoIP.
Basic Commands you can send to the Repeater are as follows:
MB7IVR is a Simplex Gateway so remember to wait for it to stop transmitting before sending these commands.
*3 <Node Number> connect to Allstar node
*33 <Node Number> connect to EchoLink node
*73 Disconnect
*70 what is connected?
*80 play ID
*81 play the time
Short Cuts (used to move the Repeater around the Networks)
*51 disconnect and move to NWAG (North West Analogue Group Website)
*52 disconnect and move to Herts Repeaters HUB and FreeStar (FreeStar Allstar Network)
*53 disconnect and move to GB3PI (Cambridge Repeater Group)
*54 disconnect and move to CQUK (Fusion Network with access from Allstar)
*55 disconnect and move to HubNet (Hubnet Website)
*56 disconnect and move to Extended Freedom Network (EFN Website)
*57 disconnect and move to CQ Cumbria GB3CU (CQ-Cumbria Website)
Local Interest Links
Control Panel (use the repeater callsign lower case for user name and password)