10m FM Activity day – 20/04/2024

A small group of Amateur Radio YouTubers have come up with idea of a 10m FM activity period, following in the footsteps of the 145Alive events that have been successful in promoting activity on 2m.

Assuming this follows the format of the #145Alive events it is likely that a number of people in various parts of the country will set themselves up as “net controllers” on a spot frequency and invite all comers to join them. Individuals are then able to look for nets and join anything they hear, possibly joining more than 1 net during the activity period.

You should find activity this Saturday between 1 and 3pm local time on the FM frequencies between 29.1 and 29.2 MHz. This should be country wide, so take a listen around and perhaps with conds you might hear some more distant stations.

If anyone is interested in getting themselves to a good location with some 10m equipment, then the date to put in your diary is 20 April 2024.

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